How can a composition during a concert be complimented visually?
Bearing this question in mind we analysed the score "Gravity" by the Ulm Pianist Dirk Maasen.
As an individual note is meaningless without its context of the melody, we first classified our feelings
through the score to capture the emotional dramaturgy.
Music is mooving and to make the emotional journey visual we translated this dramaturgy in motion sequences,
while the light is responding to the volume. 
E m o t i o n  i n  G r a v i t y
"The visualisation of "Gravity" has moved me a lot. 
During the dance of the spheres through the coordinate system of emotions,
the objects seemed almost human. It could not be more appropriate!"
- Dirk Maassen
Conception and Design
Franziska Möbus
Alexander Iaszenszky
Maximilian Leicht
Maximilian Lipp
Course of study:

2018 - semester 03
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