How can a travel book, with great content be upvalued by illustrations and useful additional informations? 
To answer the question I selected the book „Wer singt, erzählt. Wer tanzt, überlebt“ by Alexandra Endres.
She traveled through Columbia and introduces people to the reader, who keep going in the teeth of their
shared story of violence with unbelievable strength and vitality.
The idea was to give the reader the opportunity to determine the order of his journey through the book by himself.
So the table of content is designed as adress book with useful information about the place and person of the chapter.​​​​​​​
An abstract illustration at the begin of each chapter introduces to the story, but does not limit the readers fantasy.
By using bold and powerful brush strokes, the energetic feeling of the written part is supported. The dominant colour yellow expresses the zest for life, which contrasts the black, the colour of violence.​​​​​​​
Course of study:

2017 - semester 02
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